Server Side Rendering


npm install @loadable/server && npm install --save-dev @loadable/babel-plugin @loadable/webpack-plugin
# or using yarn
yarn add @loadable/server && yarn add --dev @loadable/babel-plugin @loadable/webpack-plugin


1. Install @loadable/babel-plugin


"plugins": ["@loadable/babel-plugin"]

2. Install @loadable/webpack-plugin


const LoadablePlugin = require('@loadable/webpack-plugin')
module.exports = {
// ...
plugins: [new LoadablePlugin()],

3. Setup ChunkExtractor server-side

import { ChunkExtractor } from '@loadable/server'
// This is the stats file generated by webpack loadable plugin
const statsFile = path.resolve('../dist/loadable-stats.json')
// We create an extractor from the statsFile
const extractor = new ChunkExtractor({ statsFile })
// Wrap your application using "collectChunks"
const jsx = extractor.collectChunks(<YourApp />)
// Render your application
const html = renderToString(jsx)
// You can now collect your script tags
const scriptTags = extractor.getScriptTags() // or extractor.getScriptElements();
// You can also collect your "preload/prefetch" links
const linkTags = extractor.getLinkTags() // or extractor.getLinkElements();
// And you can even collect your style tags (if you use "mini-css-extract-plugin")
const styleTags = extractor.getStyleTags() // or extractor.getStyleElements();

4. Add loadableReady client-side

Loadable components loads all your scripts asynchronously to ensure optimal performances. All scripts are loaded in parallel, so you have to wait for them to be ready using loadableReady.

import { loadableReady } from '@loadable/component'
loadableReady(() => {
const root = document.getElementById('main')
hydrate(<App />, root)

🚀 Checkout the complete example in this repository

Collecting chunks

The basic API goes as follows:

import { renderToString } from 'react-dom/server'
import { ChunkExtractor } from '@loadable/server'
const statsFile = path.resolve('../dist/loadable-stats.json')
const extractor = new ChunkExtractor({ statsFile })
const html = renderToString(extractor.collectChunks(<YourApp />))
const scriptTags = extractor.getScriptTags() // or extractor.getScriptElements();

The collectChunks method wraps your element in a provider. Optionally you can use the ChunkExtractorManager provider directly, instead of this method. Just make sure not to use it on the client-side.

import { renderToString } from 'react-dom/server'
import { ChunkExtractor, ChunkExtractorManager } from '@loadable/server'
const statsFile = path.resolve('../dist/loadable-stats.json')
const extractor = new ChunkExtractor({ statsFile })
const html = renderToString(
<ChunkExtractorManager extractor={extractor}>
<YourApp />
const scriptTags = extractor.getScriptTags() // or extractor.getScriptElements();

The extractor.getScriptTags() returns a string of multiple <script> tags marked as "async". You have to wait for them to be ready using loadableReady.

Alternatively the ChunkExtractor also has a getScriptElements() method that returns an array of React elements.

Streaming rendering

Loadable is compatible with streaming rendering, if you use it you have to include script when the stream is complete.

import { renderToNodeStream } from 'react-dom/server'
import { ChunkExtractor } from '@loadable/server'
// if you're using express.js, you'd have access to the response object "res"
// typically you'd want to write some preliminary HTML, since React doesn't handle this
const statsFile = path.resolve('../dist/loadable-stats.json')
const chunkExtractor = new ChunkExtractor({ statsFile })
const jsx = chunkExtractor.collectChunks(<YourApp />)
const stream = renderToNodeStream(jsx)
// you'd then pipe the stream into the response object until it's done
stream.pipe(res, { end: false })
// and finalize the response with closing HTML
stream.on('end', () =>

Streaming rendering is not compatible with prefetch <link> tags.


Webpack prefetching is supported out of the box by Loadable. <link rel="preload"> and <link rel="prefetch"> can be added directly server-side to improve performances.

import path from 'path'
import { ChunkExtractor, ChunkExtractorManager } from '@loadable/server'
const statsFile = path.resolve('../dist/loadable-stats.json')
const extractor = new ChunkExtractor({ statsFile })
const jsx = extractor.collectChunks(<YourApp />)
const html = renderToString(jsx)
const linkTags = extractor.getLinkTags() // or chunkExtractor.getLinkElements();
const html = `<html>
<div id="root">${html}</div>

It only works with renderToString API. Since <link> must be added in the <head>, you can't do it using renderToNodeStream.


Extracted CSS using plugins like "mini-css-extract-plugin" are automatically collected, you can get them using getStyleTags or getStyleElements.

import { renderToString } from 'react-dom/server'
import { ChunkExtractor } from '@loadable/server'
const statsFile = path.resolve('../dist/loadable-stats.json')
const extractor = new ChunkExtractor({ statsFile })
const html = renderToString(extractor.collectChunks(<YourApp />))
const styleTags = extractor.getStyleTags() // or extractor.getStyleElements();

Disable SSR on a specific loadable

Disable SSR on a specific loadable component with ssr: false:

import loadable from '@loadable/component'
// This dynamic import will not be processed server-side
const Other = loadable(() => import('./Other'), { ssr: false })

Override stats.publicPath at runtime

To override stats.publicPath at runtime, pass in a custom publicPath to the ChunkExtractor constructor:

import { ChunkExtractor } from '@loadable/server'
const statsFile = path.resolve('../dist/loadable-stats.json')
const extractor = new ChunkExtractor({
publicPath: '',

ChunkExtractor entrypoints

When running your build, notice @loadable/webpack-plugin generates a file called loadable-stats.json, which contains information about all your entries and chuncks from webpack.

Once that's in place, ChunkExtractor will be responsible of finding your entries into this file.

The default behaviour of webpack, is to create an asset called main.js if no named entry is specified, like so.


module.exports = {
entry: './src/index.js',
// ...

Checkout webpack's entry naming configuration.

ChunkExtractor will try to find your main.js, and will look into loadable-stats.json to confirm it's there.

If for instance, your wish is to get a different named entry, you will need to pass an entrypoints option.

const extractor = new ChunkExtractor({
entrypoints: ['client'], // array of webpack entries (default: ['main'])

Using your own stats file

By default, the webpack plugin adds an asset to the webpack build called loadable-stats.json. This contains the result of running webpack's stats.toJson() with the following options:

hash: true,
publicPath: true,
assets: true,
chunks: false,
modules: false,
source: false,
errorDetails: false,
timings: false,

stats.toJson() is an expensive operation, and it can significantly slow down webpack watching recompiles. If you already have a webpack stats file in your build that includes the necessary options, you may choose to use your existing stats object instead of creating a new one. You can do this as follows:

  • pass your existing stats object into ChunkExtractor via the stats option
  • disable both the outputAsset and writeToDisk options in the webpack plugin to prevent it from calling stats.toJson()