

Create a loadable component.

loadFnThe function call to load the component.
optionsOptional options.
options.resolveComponentFunction to resolve the imported component from the imported module.
options.fallbackFallback displayed during the loading.
options.ssrIf false, it will not be processed server-side. Default to true.
options.cacheKeyCache key function (see dynamic import)
import loadable from '@loadable/component'
const OtherComponent = loadable(() => import('./OtherComponent'))


This is a function that receives the imported module (what the import() call resolves to) and the props, and returns the component.

The default value assumes that the component is exported as a default export. It can be customized to make a loadable component where the imported component is not the default export, or even where a different export is chosen depending on the props. For example:

// components.js
export const Apple = () => 'Apple!'
export const Orange = () => 'Orange!'
// loadable.js
const LoadableApple = loadable(() => import('./components'), {
resolveComponent: (components) => components.Apple,
const LoadableOrange = loadable(() => import('./components'), {
resolveComponent: (components) => components.Orange,
const LoadableFruit = loadable(() => import('./components'), {
resolveComponent: (components, props) => components[props.fruit],

Note: The default resolveComponent breaks Typescript type inference due to CommonJS compatibility. To avoid this, you can specify resolveComponent as (imported) => imported.default. This requires that the imported components have ES6/Harmony exports.


Create a loadable component "Suspense" ready.

loadFnThe function call to load the component.
import { lazy } from '@loadable/component'
const OtherComponent = lazy(() => import('./OtherComponent'))


A component created using loadable or lazy.

fallbackFallback displayed during the loading.
...Props are forwarded as first argument of loadFn


Triggers the loading of a component.

argsProps passed to the load function.
import loadable from '@loadable/component'
const OtherComponent = loadable(() => import('./OtherComponent'))

This method does not return a Promise intentionally. Use load if you need to wait for the component to be loaded.


Force the loading of a component synchronously, returns a Promise.

argsProps passed to the load function.
import loadable from '@loadable/component'
const OtherComponent = loadable(() => import('./OtherComponent'))
OtherComponent.load().then(() => {
console.log('Component is loaded!')

If you don't need to know when the component will be loaded, you should use preload instead.


Create a loadable library.

loadFnThe function call to load the component.
optionsOptional options.
options.resolveComponentFunction to resolve the imported component from the imported module.
options.fallbackFallback displayed during the loading.
options.ssrIf false, it will not be processed server-side. Default to true.
options.cacheKeyCache key function (see dynamic import)
import loadable from '@loadable/component'
const Moment = loadable.lib(() => import('moment'))


Create a loadable library "Suspense" ready.

loadFnThe function call to load the component.
import { lazy } from '@loadable/component'
const Moment = lazy.lib(() => import('moment'))


A component created using loadable.lib or lazy.lib.

childrenFunction called when the library is loaded.
refAccepts a ref, populated when the library is loaded.
fallbackFallback displayed during the loading.
...Props are forwarded as first argument of loadFn


Wait for all loadable components to be loaded. This method must only be used with Server Side Rendering, see Server Side Rendering guide.

doneFunction called when all components are loaded.
optionsOptional options.
options.namespaceNamespace of your application (use only if you have several React apps on the same page).
import { loadableReady } from '@loadable/component'
loadableReady(() => {
const root = document.getElementById('main')
hydrate(<App />, root)